Palm Sunday
April 10
8:30 am - Traditional Worship Service
10:00 am - Contemporary Worship Service​
Celebrate the start of Holy Week as we commemorate the triumphal and peaceful entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem. Our service includes worship, teaching, communion, and prayer.
Maundy Thursday
April 14, 5:30 pm
Maundy Thursday (or “commandment” from the Latin mandatum) refers to the new commandment Jesus gave his disciples at the Last Supper. Join us for a special Eucharist service where we strip the altar leading into Good Friday.

Good Friday - Stations of The Cross
12:00 pm - Community Journey Through the Stations of The Cross
12:30- 3:00 pm - Open for self-guided journey to the cross
All Day - Stations of the Cross Available on YouTube.com/OurSaviourSC
Join us as we walk the path and hear the story of Jesus on the day he was crucified. This is a devotion to the Passion of Christ which recalls the series of events at the end of Jesus' life from his condemnation to his burial. The Way of the Cross (Stations of The Cross) imitates the practice of visiting the places of Jesus' Passion in the Holy Land by early Christian pilgrims. ​