Church of Our Saviour is a community rooted in a culture of Connecting to Christ and Community. We seek to introduce people to Jesus' love and message. It starts with how we serve one another as a family. Each of our volunteer teams gives you opportunities to connect, learn, and grow as an integral part of our church family. It's time to say yes to finding your place!
If there's any additional information about your personal skills or background that you would like to offer please let us know.​ We also have an online Spiritual Gifts Survey if you'd like to explore how God has gifted you!
Audio & Visual
Worship at 10:00am
Have you ever wondered who is changing the slides each Sunday? This opportunity to serve is another “behind the scenes” chance to serve. You don’t need technical expertise to do this, just a willingness to learn. We will train you to learn the system. Positions include the changing slides, camera operators, and soundboard.
Altar Team
Worship at 10:00am
We are looking for a few people who would be willing to help with the setup and takedown of communion for each service. In order to ease our way back into the new normal, we are making the set up very simple. Prior to each service, it's as simple as setting up the bread and the wine for the priest on the altar and taking it down after service. No prior experience needed. If you are interested in serving in this role, please reply here or to
Worship at 10:00 am
Perhaps you would consider worshiping the Lord on Sunday mornings with the musical talent He has given you. Typical instrumentation includes guitar, piano, drums, bass guitar, violin, flute, vocals. The Praise Band would be happy to have you join them in worship and leading in the praise of the Lord.
Worship at 10:00am
The Hospitality Team supports the Sunday worship gatherings each week: before, during, and after the service. It sets the tone for Sunday worship gatherings by creating a space where everyone feels welcome, seen, and encouraged when they walk in the door. We also connect visitors and regular attendees to the answers, resources, and support they need during their time at Our Saviour. Hospitality opportunities include: greeting, ushering, and connecting people during our coffee time.
Office Volunteer
“Office Angels” - Week Days (Mon.-Fri.)
Being at the “Angel Desk” can get you connected really fast as you learn about the church and what happens here Monday through Friday. Besides answering the phone, there are often other ways to help us administratively. You can pick a day and a time frame that best suits your schedule. Your help will be greatly appreciated!
Prayer Team
Praying for someone can be truly comforting and uplifting. Prayer Team invites the person to share (if they want) confidentially their prayer concern and simply prays for them in the name of Jesus Christ. The Prayer Team is strictly virtual via email due to the pandemic. If you feel called to pray for the concerns of the church, please let us know!
Worship at 10:00am
Reading the Lord’s word with meaning and intonation can really make a difference in the worship experience. Readers receive the readings by Wednesday and can practice the Scripture so that it can be delivered effectively and purposefully.
Safety Team​
Do you have an interest in serving in an emergency? The Safety Team is a group of folks who have agreed to be available during this, hopefully, highly unlikely situation. There will be some training in preparation to serve on this team.