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Areas of Ministry


All ministries and events that happen at Our Saviour are placed into one of these categories or AOMs listed.  The ministry leaders within a particular area meet regularly (about once a month) to coordinate events and schedules, as well as, gather feedback as to how we are "Connecting to Christ and Community" in our respective ministries.  




We would love for you to connect and join in the ministry here at Our Saviour.  Contact Joy Harrity, Office Manager, to help you find the best place to get plugged in:


Area of Ministry


The worship area of ministry includes all of the roles and positions at our Sunday services, Wednesday Eucharist and any other special service we might have here at the church. From being upfront and behind the altar to completely behind the scenes there is a place for you to serve on Sundays.


Area of Ministry


As followers of Jesus, we are called to grow in our faith and share our faith with others. By inviting our friends to join us, meeting together regularly, studying the Bible and encouraging one another we strive to fulfill the great commission. These ministries typically happen outside of Sunday mornings.


Area of Ministry


The fellowship area of ministry is primarily a ministry of connection. Our Saviour's mission is Connecting to Christ and Community. Things that fall into this category are predominately events where the primary goal is to connect to one another as a community. Most of these are also geared towards inviting and connecting new people to our church family.


Area of Ministry


We are called to "love our neighbors as ourselves" and  this is the heart of all our outreach ministries. It's our desire to reach out and connect with our local community and the world. Showing the love of Jesus to everyone we interact with and sharing the good news of Jesus. This area not only includes the local outreach projects we are involved with but global efforts as well.


Area of Ministry


Administration ministries happen primarily behind the scenes of all of the areas of ministry. We like to say that the administration area  is the means by which all of the other areas of ministry function and run smoothly. There are many ways to get involved that require little to no ongoing commitment.

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