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Life Group Resources

Before Amen


In this four-session video-based study, best-selling author Max Lucado reveals his struggles with prayer and how he discovered that it is not a privilege for the pious or the art of a chosen few but a simple tool everyone has been given to have a conversation with God. He shows you how to let go of uncertainties about prayer, trust that God hears you, and embrace a prayer life that brings peace and rest.

Best of Small Groups


Introducing a breakthrough small group resource: The Best of Small Groups, Volume 1 brings together twelve of the best small group Bible study curriculums from today’s most well-known Christian leaders, all on one DVD. 


Small Group leaders are always looking for a resource that they can use to transition to another study, sometimes seasonally and around the holidays or even during the summer months. The “Best of…” series delivers that and much more, representing a healthy balance of voices from the evangelical community. This exciting new series will be both timeless and timely in nature and is sure to become a staple in any small group leader’s arsenal for years to come. 

The curriculum includes a study guide and 1 DVD with 8 hours of teaching, as well as introductions and transition material by Brett Eastman, founder of Lifetogether Ministries.

Chiseled By The Master's Hand

SESSIONS : 13 (Audio Only)

Just as the hand of a sculptor works gently and patiently to shape a common stone into a beautiful work of art, so God works in our lives to conform us to the image of His Son. Through the life of Peter we see a stunning example of the transforming power of God.

Christian Life and Witness Course


Millions of Christians across the country and around the world have taken the 4-week Christian Life and Witness Course. Originally developed to train volunteer counselors at Billy Graham Crusades, this fully updated, contemporary edition is widely used today as basic training for many evangelism initiatives and church outreach strategies. The course helps believers grasp the foundational principles of personal faith, learn how to live an abundant and victorious Christian life, and move from being hearers to doers, from being spectators in personal evangelism to ready participants. This comprehensive approach deepens the Christian faith of those who take the course. 

Between a Rock and a Grace Place


Through this small group Bible study, Between a Rock and Grace Place, bestselling author Carol Kent gives proof that you can experience grace and joy during even the lowest moments of your life.

Designed for use with the Between a Rock and a Grace Place DVD, this Participant’s Guide helps you decide where you stand when you are caught between a rock and a hard place: Will you place yourself in a posture of humility and complete dependence on God, or will you just “try harder” and stumble over what could be a transforming encounter with grace?

Carol Kent and her husband, Gene, are living what some would call a heartbreaking life—their son, Jason, a young man who initially had so much promise, is now living out a life sentence for murder in a maximum security prison. All their appeals have been exhausted. But despite their hopeless situation, the Kent’s live a life full of grace.

With hope, joy, and a sense of humor, Carol helps you find God’s “grace places” in the midst of your worst moments.

The Easter Experience


The Easter Experience DVD Study is a truly spiritual experience that has the power to change every member in your small group. The six 20-minute episodes bring the passion and resurrection of Jesus to life through dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching.


Make the life-changing story of Easter real for your small group through the dramatic storytelling and challenging teaching of Kyle Idleman. State-of-the art production and in-depth study will keep members engaged in discussing Christ's Passion and resurrection as they bond with each other—and with the eternal message of Scripture. A unique, video driven small group study that brings the passion and resurrection of Jesus to life.



Faith Lessons: The Death and Resurrection of The Messiah


The completely new Faith Lessons curriculum takes your small group on a round trip to ancient times, places, and customs, and back again. This lively, interactive journey is more than fascinating -- it's faith-inspiring and life-changing. This brand-new Participant's Guide carefully and plainly helps you turn the lessons you learn from the past into real-life applications that impact the way you live your faith. You'll find space for note-taking, topics for discussion, and questions for reflection, as well as maps, photos, sidebars, and other study tools to help you better grasp each faith lesson. You'll also find Action Points for translating each faith lesson into practical ways to make a unique, important difference in the world around you.

Faith Lessons : The Promised Land


This five-session small group Bible study, Promised Land, by noted teacher and historian, Ray Vander Laan, is volume one of the 12-part Faith series. In it, Vander Laan explores how God guided his people to the Promised Land to impact the world in ancient times and today.

Faith Lessons : The Prophets and Kings of Israel


Pack your bags. We’re going on a journey. A quest to uncover Scripture and its meaning across history. Filmed on location in Israel and throughout the Middle East, the Faith Lessons DVD series is an adventure in Biblical learning. 



Faith Lessons is a unique series that brings God's Word to life with astounding relevance. By weaving together the Bible's fascinating historical, cultural, religious, and geographical contexts, teacher and historian Ray Vander Laan reveals keen insights into the Scriptures' significance for modern believers.The DVD lessons are supported by an interactive Discovery Guide (sold separately) which will let you, your family, or your small group gain vital insights from long-ago times and cultures through this innovative approach to Bible study.



Do you ever feel like the Christian life is a long gave of "Jesus Says"? Jesus says pray. Jesus says give. Jesus says to go to church.


In this eight-session video-based Bible study, bestselling author and pastro Andy Stanley shows you that Jesus' invitation to his first-century audience was really an invitation to relationship. And it began with a simple request-follow me. Join this transformational journey through the Gospels as Andy traces Jesus' teaching on what it means to follow and prepare to see your faith radically changed. 

Forgotten God; Reversing Our Tragic Neglect of the Holy Spirit


In this dynamic companion to the book Forgotten God, breakthrough author Francis Chan reminds us of the true source of the church’s power—the Holy Spirit. Chan contends that we’ve ignored the Spirit for far too long, and that without Him, we 
operate in our own strength, only accomplishing human-sized results.

This seven-session video resource offers a compelling invitation to understand, embrace, and follow the Holy Spirit’s direction in our lives. It is designed to initiate
and facilitate discussion, interaction and practical application of the message 
of Forgotten God. 

Francis’ thought-provoking teaching makes this a valuable resource for small groups, churches, youth groups, and college campus ministries.

HEAVEN It's Not What You Think


What comes to mind when you think of heaven? Clouds? Harps? Angels? Singing? Now, honestly, does that really sound like a great way to spend eternity? The good news is, that is NOT what heaven is like. And when you discover what really awaits you there, it will radically change your view of your future and of heaven. In this 3 part series from Living on the Edge, Chip Ingram digs into scripture to reveal what our heavenly home will be like, what we’ll do there, what we’ll experience, and how we’re to prepare for eternity today. If you’ve secretly thought that heaven sounded kind of boring, well, think again. In this series, you will discover the amazing truth of what awaits you there.

If You Want To Walk On Water, You've Got To Get Out Of The Boat


In this six-session small group Bible study, If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve got to Get Out of the Boat, by John Ortberg, you’ll learn how to move beyond fear to discover God’s unique calling for your life!

Peter may have been the first one out of the boat, but Jesus’ invitation to walk on water is for you as well. But walk on water? What doe that mean? If You Want to Walk on Water, You’ve Got to Get Out of the Boat helps you answer helps you answer Christ’s call to greater faith, power-filled deeds, and a new way of knowing how to discern God’s call, transcend fear, risk faith, manage failure, and trust God. Relating to the story in Matthew 14 to life today, teacher and bestselling author John Ortberg invites you to consider the incredible potential that awaits you outside your comfort zone.

In Favor With God and Man


The gospel of Luke tells us that Jesus grew in favor with God and man. Jesus, fully divine, yet fully human, modeled for us what it looks like to grow in the character of God. As we become more like Jesus, we will have favor with God and with man. The character of Christ is irresistible and as we grow to be more like Him we will impact those around us. This short study focuses on acceptance and forgiveness, carrying the burdens of others, and considering others first.

Invitation to the New Testament


Explore the writings of the New Testament using the story of Jesus as the starting point. This survey of the testament looks at how the early church took ownership of and was shaped by the story of Jesus and how the church learned how to develop as disciples and create communities of faith.

Participants find a deeper conversation with the writers of the NT and a renewal of our commitment to be shaped---personally and communally---by the story of Jesus.

In the weekly video segments, listen as scholars fascinate you with facts and information that opens new understanding and enlightenment for your group. In the second video, sit in on a table conversation between guest scholars and debate key issues in the text.

Just Walk Across The Room


Believers universally affirm that evangelism is a vital part of what God calls them to do, but very few make a practice of doing it. They feel awkward and ill-equipped, either because they've never been trained, or because their lack of interaction with non- Christians prevents them from using and developing the skills they do have. Bill Hybels addresses these concerns and signals the next era in personal evangelism with Just Walk Across the Room.

LIFE TOGETHER - Developing Your Shape To Serve Others : Ministry


The way you're wired is no accident! God designed your unique mix of gifts, values, natural abilities, personalities, and life experiences to play an essential part in his kingdom. These six sessions will help you develop your God-given design at home, at work, at church, and in your community in a way that extends God's love to others and enriches your own life immeasurably.

LIFE TOGETHER - Sharing Your Life Mission Every Day : Evangelism


Sharing your life mission every day just isn't that hard. You need a few skills, a few friends for support, and a glimpse of God's heart for those who don't know him. These six sessions will equip you to extend love to seekers around you and talk about your experience with God in ways that people will understand. God doesn't ask you to do it the power that comes from teaming up!

LIFE TOGETHER - Connecting With God's Family : Fellowship


God longs for you to have rich, genuine connections with him and a handful of other people. These six sessions will help you connect more deeply with Jesus Christ and build genuine relationships with Christian friends. Christ’s love makes it possible for you to be known and to know others, to be loved and to love, to resolve conflict effectively, and to move outward together in faith. 


Doing Life Together introduces . . . The Next Wave in Small Group Bible Studies 

You’ve never experienced anything like Doing Life Together. Harnessing the creativity, flexibility, and convenience of audio-video technology, this groundbreaking series is the first ever to integrate superbly crafted study guides with powerful new-media capabilities and apply them to the unique setting of group Bible study. 

LIFE TOGETHER - Beginning Life Together : God's purposes for your life


This Purpose Driven Group Series provides your group(s) an overview of the five biblical purposes found in the Great Commandment and Great Commission. Used either as a stand-alone Bible study or as a companion to the Beginning Life Together DVD, this study will take you on a six-session journey through each of the five purposes. It will help you cultivate a healthy, balanced purpose driven life, together with a friend, small group, Sunday school class, or your entire church.

The Life You've Always Wanted


In the six-session small group bible study, The Life You’ve Always Wanted, John Ortberg guides you and your group through the spiritual disciplines and teaches you how they can transform your spiritual life.

What does true spiritual life really look like? And what keeps you from living it? What can you do to pursue it?

If you’re tired of the status quo – if you suspect there’s more to Christianity than what you’ve experienced – John Ortberg invites you to join him on a road to transformation and spiritual vigor that anyone can take.

Cultivate new intimacy and confidence in prayer. Discover the freedom of secrecy. Taste the benefits of slowing life’s frenetic pace. Learn how to be guided by the Holy Spirit…and much more.

As in a marathon, the secret lied not in trying hard, but in training consistently. Proven by followers of Jesus over the centuries, the spiritual disciplines are exercises that strengthen your endurance race on the road to growth.

Live Again : Wholeness After Divorce


When a marriage falls apart, many Christians find their hopes and dreams shattered. This is the greatest loss they have ever faced. It devastates them, and they desperately need emotional and spiritual help. They need divorce recovery help as they struggle with loneliness and shame. Many of them need to face the pain and begin to forgive themselves and others in order to move forward in life.

With the Right Divorce Care, Christians Don't Stay Broken for Long

A recent study showed that faith made a big difference in Christians' ability to put their life back together and successfully live with hope and purpose. In fact, Christians were 3 times more likely to report a high sense of well-being compared with those who had "no religion." They were able to live again because of their faith and trust in the Lord!

One Month To Live


This DVD's 6 small group sessions-one for every week of the challenge-offers fresh strategies for overcoming habits that mire Christians in mediocrity. These strategies come to life through Kerry & Chris Shook's personal video lessons, inspiring testimonies, and questions for reflection. Indiviudals will examine how they can live passionately, love completely, learn humbly, and leave boldly to create a legacy that endures for generations after they're gone. Through this life-changing journey, individuals and small groups will learn to embrace their own mortality and live their lives more fully-with no regrets.

Permission to Speak Freely


Could it be that there is more to prayer than we thought? Two thousand years ago, Jesus pulled his disciples aside and taught them to pray. In examining his instructions, we find a disconnect between his teaching and the way we typically approach prayer. We discover that there are some things about prayer we think are important but aren't; and there are some things we don't think are important that are.

In this 3-part series, Andy Stanley unpacks the words of Jesus to help us understand what God had in mind when he gave us the ability and the opportunity to talk to him.

The Purpose of Christmas


The Purpose of Christmas DVD Study for groups and families features three sessions taught by Rick Warren on why we celebrate Christmas and how it can change our lives forever.

At the very first Christmas an angel announced three things. In those three statements, we find the three purposes of Christmas:

  • Christmas is a time for celebration

  • Christmas is a time for salvation

  • Christmas is a time for reconciliation

RENEWING AMERICA'S MIND - Standing for truth in a Relative world


Americans under the age of 35, for the most part, have a very differnt understanding of the concept of truth. The younger thy are, the more relative their concept of truth is likely to be. This issue then extends to ethics and how we relate to one another.  [These presentations] will help you to better understand what truth is and gives you the tools you need to convey that concept to others in a powerful way.

Simple Prayer


Are you tired of information and want some real transformation? Dennis and Dr. Jen give step-by-step instructions. Then, Dennis coaches you through a private prayer session of daily prayer and healing prayer by CD, using the DRN (deep relief now) approach. You can use the CDs over and over again, as often as you want!


Dennis and Dr. Jen Clark minister together as a husband and wife team. They founded Full Stature Ministries in 1997 and are senior pastors of Kingdom Life Church in Fort Mill, South Carolina. Dennis has been in active ministry for more than 35 years. Jennifer, his wife, holds a Th.D. in theology and B.S., M.S. and Ed.S. degrees in psychology.

Soul Keeping


In Soul Keeping, John Ortberg helps Christians rediscover their soul—the best connection to God there is—and find out why it’s hurting and why neglecting it has set so many believers so far back spiritually.


In this six-session, video-based small group Bible study, Ortberg shows that caring for your soul is necessary for your Christian life. John shows participants what your soul is, why it is important, how to assess your soul’s health, and how to care for it so that we can have a meaningful and beautiful life with God and others.


When you nurture your soul your life in this world will come to make sense again; you can find your way back to God from hopelessness, depression, relationship struggles, and a lack of fulfillment. Your soul’s resting place is in God, and John Ortberg wants to take participants to that home.  


LIFE TOGETHER - Surrendering Your Life For God's Pleasure : Worship


What does it mean to surrender to God? These six sessions will help you experience the transforming power of a surrendered life. As you learn to worship Jesus Christ throughout your daily life, you will come to trust him with the experiences of your past, the precious things of your present, and your hopes for the future. What are you holding on to? Discover the peace of laying it at God's feet.

Treasure Principle


Jesus told a story about a hidden treasure that, once discovered, brought life-changing joy. In The Treasure Principle, Randy Alcorn unearths a simple yet profound principle that will radically change your concept of stewardship. Short on guilt, Alcorn illuminates the liberating joy of giving and its impact, not only for today but for eternity as well. A perennial bestseller, this revised edition includes a new concluding chapter, "31 Radical, Liberating Questions to Ask God About Your Giving."

Too Busy Not To Pray


In this four-session video Bible study based on bestselling author and pastor Bill Hybels's classic book on prayer, Too Busy Not to Pray, he calls both young and old to make prayer a priority, broadening our vision for what our eternal, powerful God does when his people slow down to pray.


For the past twenty years Too Busy Not to Pray has stood as a classic on prayer, helping Christians all over the world slow down to draw near to God. During those years, the world certainly hasn't slowed down. If anything, the pace, intensity and number of distractions have only increased. The urgent need for prayer is clear, but busyness still keeps many of us from finding time to pray. Two truths haven't changed in twenty years: God is the same powerful, just, holy God he's always been; and true prayer--prayer that changes us and allows us to participate in God's work in the world--can't happen on the fly. So Bill Hybels once again offers us his practical, time-tested ideas on slowing down to pray. Too Busy Not to Pray calls both young and old to make prayer a priority, and broadens our vision for what our eternal, powerful God does when his people slow down to pray.

WayTruth Life : Mariners Small Groups


Session 1 : Jesus and the Paralytic

Session 2 : Jesus and the Centurion

Session 3 : Jesus Feeds 4000

Session 4 : Jesus and Zacchaeus

Session 5 : Jesus and the Woman in Adultery

Who Is This Man?


In this five-session DVD-based small group bible study, Who Is This Man?, John Ortberg reveals how Jesus made an inescapable influence on our world and you will learn how you can make one too!

Jesus is history’s most familiar figure. His impact on the world is immense and non-accidental. From the Dark Ages to Post-Modernity he is the man who won’t go away. And yet …

He did not brashly defend his movement in the spirit of a rising political or military leader. He did not lay out a case that history would judge superior in all future books. He did not start by telling his disciples, “Here are proofs of my divinity; affirm them and I’ll accept you.”

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Church of Our Saviour is an Anglican church located on Johns Island near Kiawah and Seabrook Islands.

We are a part of the Anglican Diocese of South Carolina in the Anglican Church in North America.


Our mission is Connecting to Christ and Community.

As the Church, we see ourselves as disciples of Jesus who are called to make disciples of Jesus.


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