Nursery & Kids’ Church
For now our nursery remains closed as we seek to grow a team of people to serve. Kid’s Church is a go! For Children ages 5yo- 2nd grade. after the Kid’s sermon, those children will be dismissed for an age appropriate bible lesson and time together as kids. They will be brought back to their families just before communion.
Children’s Activity Packets
On the tower in the back, we have available some activity packets for elementary age children. You are welcome to take everything home from the packet, but please return the empty bag to the Connection Desk.
Family Room Available
We do have a Family Room with the live broadcast of the service if you need to step out of the main sanctuary for a while. While facing the back of the sanctuary, in the right corner behind the Connection Desk we have a small Family Room available with a couch and toys to occupy the little ones.
Pray & Play Area
We’ve set up a playpen in the back of the sanctuary for the little ones who might need a bit more corralling. We love having children of all ages in our worship services.​ Please know, if for any reason, you need to take your child out of the service, we love hearing the little voices and want you to know they are always welcome.
Play and Pray Area
8:30am & 10:00am Worship Services
For both of our services we offer a Play and Pray Area at the back of the church with an Activity Tower of books and coloring options for children who may like these activities to enhance their worship experience. This also provides a place for parents to take the restless ones, but still be a part of the service.
Please know that if, for any reason, you do have to take your child out of the service, we are used to it and love hearing the little voices and want you to come back!
Kid's Church
Age 4 to 2nd grade (10:30am Worship Services)
After the Children's Sermon in our 10:30 Contemporary Worship, children ages 4 years-2nd grade are dismissed to Kid's Church. This is specifically designed for our younger children. We work to connect children to Jesus through object lesson, Bible stories, and crafts/activities. Children will return to their families immediately following the sermon during the sign of peace; returning to their families in time to take communion and worship during the final song.